
Have you ever noticed how school and neighborhood sports teams have “sponsors” listed on their banners and brochures? These sponsors are local businesses who donate cash to the team in exchange for having their names publicly displayed. CHS Band is in need of sponsors and helpful individuals to secure those sponsorships!

It’s not hard! Just contact a business, ask if they’d like to be a sponsor, and give them our sponsorship flyer to fill out. If you are interested in helping contact businesses, please email board@centennial-band.com. We will reach out to you with a list of businesses and additional information.

Passive Fundraisers

Publix Partners

Raise money for our band every time you shop. Simply join Club Publix, log in to your account, and select Centennial High School Band, Franklin, TN in your profile to choose our organization.

Every time you enter your phone number at checkout or pay with the Publix app, Publix sets aside a portion of your eligible purchase to donate to our school!

Kroger Community Rewards

An easy way to earn money for the band is to link your Kroger card to Kroger's Community Rewards program. Click above and choose CHS Band as your organization. Every time you shop at Kroger and use your Kroger Shopper's Card, a small percentage of your purchase cost will be donated by Kroger to the band – with NO other cost or involvement from you!